Waste Management... What does the future hold?!

Waste management is the precise name for the collection, transportation, disposal or recycling and monitoring of waste. This term is assigned to the material, waste material that is produced through human being activity. This material is managed to avoid its adverse effect over human health and environment. Now, there are many types of waste: municipal (household, commercial and demolition waste), hazardous ( industrial), biomedical, electronic (e-waste), radioactive.

With the increasing urbanization, waste management is a major global issue that governments face daily. The overproduction of waste has been causing negative impacts on our environment.
Waste reduction and valorization need to be taken to the next level. What are sustainable solutions for waste disposal & management?

The main principles of waste management are:

1. Waste hierarchy, referring to the “3Rs rule” Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, waste prevention and minimization being the most desirable goal.

2. Extended producer responsibility, adding all the environmental costs to the market price of a product, including end-of-life disposal.

3. The polluter pays principle, requiring that a waste generator pays for the appropriate disposal of the waste.

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